Miami Hurricanes Strong Arm Sleeve - Special Order

Show off your team pride and flare for style. Proudly display your ultimate fan status at the stadium, tailgate or a big game party at home. Wear them on game day to add an extra layer of warmth for your arms, or at the party celebrating the big game. Colorful and comfortable, they fit most arms. Made by Little Earth.

Miami Hurricanes Strong Arm Sleeve - Special Order

$ 19.95

Miami Hurricanes Strong Arm Sleeve - Special Order

$ 19.95
$ 19.95

Show off your team pride and flare for style. Proudly display your ultimate fan status at the stadium, tailgate or a big game party at home. Wear them on game day to add an extra layer of warmth for your arms, or at the party celebrating the big game. Colorful and comfortable, they fit most arms. Made by Little Earth.